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Best Practices

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Although several years ago, the European Commission banned the use of SF₆ gas in almost all sectors, only in switchgear industry it is still being used in a big way owing to the advantage that the gas ensures that any arcs that may occur during switching are quickly extinguished. However, the environmental impact of SF₆ gas is around 23,500 times more than that of CO₂ and once leaked it can remain in the atmosphere for up to 3,200 years. Thus, introduction of SF₆ alternatives should be given topmost priority today… - P. K. Chatterjee (PK)
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Retrofitting of Oil Circuit Breakers

Retrofitting old medium voltage switchgear with newer technology is an efficient, cost effective and economical option for preserving existing assets, thus, saving cost and time. In the race of implementation and adaptation of new technology we just destroy existing installation by scraping the products for want of alternate solutions and technologically sound and reliable supplier… - Paresh Shah, N P Jhaveri
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Electrical Circuit Breakers

Many unwanted disturbances or fluctuations in voltage or current of electric circuits take place due to many known or controlled and unknown or uncontrolled reasons – like sparking, high voltage, moisture, leakage, over loading etc. Thus, use of appropriate switchgears protect us from harmful damages... - Dr S S Verma